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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lady Bug Bombs The Dragonflies!


I received this from one of the dragonfly list serves I'm on, it is very cute enjoy!

If you like this one after it finished you can see others like it. I loved the chewing gum video too.

If you need me I;ll be outside raking leaves and planting crocus and daffodils. Or bring your rake and shovel and join us!!


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Randy~~ The video was hillarious. So now we know what goes on in the forest when we're not looking. Bugs gotta have fun too!

    Leaf raking...don't remind me.

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Love your red leaf header! The video was priceless...loved just hearing all those Nature sounds. Who knew those lovely insects could be so aggressive. ;)

  3. Hi Randy! What a funny video! I loved the sound effects, also. Gave me a whole new perspective on the flight capabilities of a ladybird beetle! ha!!

  4. PS One little ladybug, looking for fun,
    Decided the dragonflies needed a run!
    ... I'll finish later and give you a post! ;-)

  5. Randy,
    What a clever little video.Thanks for the smile.

  6. Just made a post and a link to you! ;-) Did you get your work done out there??

  7. Shady,
    Not all the leaves there are a lot of them. We did get 2 Camellias planted and all the crocus and daffodils planted. Still have some odds and ends to plant.

    We had a Autumn Meadowhawk dragonfly land on Meg's arm and a Mourning Cloak butterfly enjoying our mid 70's day here.

  8. For some reason I kept thinking of "Return of the Jedi"...

  9. Fabulously done Randy... love the music and the pauses... the landscapes and great chase scenes... naughty lady bugs... not lady like behavior at all and was there not a scene like those in pursuit scenes... in ... was it Lord of the rings?? I do so love dragon flies and so glad that there were not any truly injured to make this adorable video. HA! Thank you so much for sharing this.

  10. Oh, that was great fun! Found you through Macro Monday and I'm glad I followed the link! Thanks for the smiles. :)

  11. Love your video. Brought a smile to me.

  12. The fact that someone went to all that trouble makes it all the more fun!

  13. Very fun! Thanks.
    I have so enjoyed catching up with you this morning.
    Belize??? How wonderful for you. I am looking forward to seeing your travel photos. It has been less than a week since Ihave seen any butterflies and I already miss them! You have done lots of planting. I do my bulbs as forced bulbs inside in the winter and plant them out in the spring.
    Thanks again for the video. I have some friends who will enjoy seeing it too.

  14. Thanks for your comment and for identifing the dragonfly I posted. Helen

  15. Thanks so much for popping by my blog - love the little film - I notice it's actually French... makes a nice contrast to my posting on Ladybirds! Made me smile while drinking my cup of coffee before taking our dog out for her morning walk... do visit again - Miranda

  16. Great video, looks like a lot of time went into it!

  17. Anonymous10:39 PM

    I like that Randy! Even got Mr D to watch it.

  18. Thanks for sharing the cute video.

  19. That was too cute! There were moments of Star Wars Return of the Jedi in the video. gail
