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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Spiced Pears and Pomegranate

We have been eating local all summer as best we can anyway. Shopping at the local farmers markets have been a regular thing. Missing going to the market seemed to make the week a poor one. Our local food coop Weaver Street Market is of course our favorite grocery store. This is our first indulgence in non local produce is some time. Anyway this recipe was tested last fall and we both loved it. We had only one chance to try it as the pomegranate season was over when we made the recipe. The next day it was even better, below is the recipe that I picked up at http://allrecipes.com/ I have found some really good biscotti recipes there too.

Spiced Pears and Pomegranate


  • 3 pears - peeled, cored and cut into wedges
  • 1 pomegranate, skin and light-colored membrane removed
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice (one fresh lemon)
  • 2 tablespoons light brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg (we grind from whole nuts)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped almonds (optional)(we use walnuts in ours)
  • 4 sprigs fresh mint leaves for garnish (optional)


  1. Place the sliced pears and pomegranate seeds into a bowl. Toss with lemon juice to coat. Combine the brown sugar, nutmeg, and cinnamon in a small cup or bowl, then mix into the fruit. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving to blend the flavors. Serve in individual dishes, and garnish with a sprinkling of chopped almonds and a sprig of mint

More on fall happening here in Durham North Carolina

Some of our home grown lima beans harvested recently. These heirloom seeds were given to by one of my customers her family have saved these seeds for generations.

Flowering Dogwood beside our driveway today.

Persimmons beside our deck. This tree was planted by the birds. It is under our huge White Oak tree, this photo was taken last week now it is leafless. The acorns falling might have something to do with it being leafless already. Persimmons are another fall favorite of mine too. I did see a squirrel carrying off a persimmon the other day.

Two days worth of acorns falling, my estimate this is at least 10 gallons of them. So far I have swept up 17 gallons of acorns.
Below is the deck a few hour later after a mini storm that brought it a 30mph wind for about 5 minutes, you did not want to be out there on the deck they were coming down perhaps 500 a minute.


  1. Yikes on the acorns!
    Love the color of your lima beans, so pretty.
    And our dogwood is also turning color.

  2. Looks good to me and love the pictures.

  3. Looks like you need a hardhat to go out on your deck. All from White Oaks?
    I will give that recipe a try- have been seeing the pomegranates in the store the last couple days. I like just eating them or putting them on my cereal. What kind of pears did you use?

  4. Janet,

    Last year we used Bosc pears and this year we tried using red pears and bosc pears as I made a double recipe for a party tonight.

  5. Very tasty post! I love pomegranate and believe in its healing qualities. Will try to make this dish, it sounds pretty simple. Thank you Randy!

  6. I love pomegranate! and it's such a short-lived fruit... fall is fun!

  7. I will have to try that recipe. Sounds good and healthy.

    That's a lot of acorns!

  8. I haven't had pomegranite for a long time. I like to eat locally, too, but don't try to do it exclusively. I do stay away from food grown outside the U.S. though. They are allowed to use all kinds of chemicals that are against the law here.

    I don't think I knew you live in Durham. My husband and I drove from our home in Nebraska to the Outer Banks in June of 2007. We were near Durham, but I don't think we went through it. We spent a night in downtown Raleigh. I had a Google map of the city, with used book, antique, and thrift stores marked. I don't think I realized the blocks were condensed, so the places weren't in walking distance like I thought. My husband was very cranky about driving in Raleigh, and it made for some tense moments in the vehicle. One of the thrift stores we went to, he refused to let me go in because the area looked to rough. We did find a couple good bookstores, though.

    Do you go to the Outer Banks? Another place we stayed was a bed and breakfast in Beaufort, North Carolina. We were tickled to be there for their annual old homes and gardens tour. I loved it! The ocean was pretty cool, too.

    I hope the trees are almost finished shedding their acorns.

  9. Everyone,

    Thanks for your comments! It looks like the acorns might be done. Today I swept up another 10 gallons on the deck making a total of 27 gallons on the deck.


    I don't care much for Raleigh it is not very visitor friendly. Yes we go to the Outer Banks but not very often.

  10. I also am saving acorns for winter feed! It can be dangerous on our driveway when the wind blows!
    Thank you for the spider id.
    I think this year has been the most beautiful Autumn I ever remember...the Maples have been gorgeous.
    I also try to eat locally grown fruits and veggies. The Limas are so lovely. They would be pretty stored in a canning jar!

  11. I'm passing this recipe to my daughter (I know she'll make it and love it!) ;-) Oh... those acorns! How's the squirrel population over there this year? Happy Fall!

  12. Wow, what can you do with all those acorns? Wonder if there's some sort of way you could use them??

    We get rained with sweetgum gumballs and helicopters from the maple trees. Both the bane of my existence.

    Persimmons? Awesome! My mom's favorite fruit. She likes to dehydrate them as well.

  13. I have a 5 gallon bucket full of pears. I think I'll try your recipe. I need something new to do with pears. By the way, I've got a serious case of persimmon envy. Those look fantastic.

  14. Randy and Meg, those limas are beautiful!!! and we do love our limas. No persimmons here, but we did pick over 15 pounds of figs yesterday.

  15. All our local farmers markets start selling at the end of October, I can’t wait the food definite taste better and we help local farmers.
    I bet the squirrels are happy with so many acorns.

  16. The pears and pomegranite sounds tasty...I've been wondering if I could eat locally and my coffee addiction would surely make me nuts! So, when are the persimmons not sour and ready to be picked?

  17. Shady,

    The squirrels here are very cautious, Valentine our 6 lb tuxedo cat gets about one squirrel a month.

    Meg keeps telling me we can make flour from acorns. The acorns seem about done now its tulip poplar seeds and oak leaves.

    You'll enjoy this recipe, we made a double recipe for the potluck the other night it disappeared quickly. Our persimmon was planted by the birds and there are about 24 persimmons on the tree, not enough for pudding.


    Wow that is a lot of figs, making chutney?


    Our farmers markets are winding down with the cold weather coming in.


    we love coffee too, just tonight I bought 6 lbs at Costco.

    Here is the deal on picking wild persimmons. You gently pull on them from underneath and they are ready ONLY if they fall off easily, the ones on the ground are ready too. I know of many plump trees this year, but they are in the middle of huge blackberry bushes.

  18. Thanks so much for the visit to my blog and telling me the gulf fritilary was laying eggs. I love your blog and am just wandering around discovering. You are a very good photographer.

  19. The pears and pomegranate together look good. Always best to shop and eat what's local. That acorn storm looks like it could have been very dangerous.

    Thanks for the damesalfly ID. I really need to get a bug book.

  20. Hi Randy-
    those purple limas are out of this world, I've grown a christmas lima that looks similar but red and white, but they are really hard to get in time, their season seems extremely long so that they haven't yet matured by frost.

    Love those parade pics too- so sorry i missed it,i actually took a stilt making class and built some stilts but I haven't been practicing, maybe next year...

    watch out for those acorns- wow.

  21. Thanks for letting me know about the pear and pomegranate recipe, it looks really good, although I'll use almonds for my walnut averse husband :)

    Is that a native persimmon? The Japanese fuyus and hachiyas are commonly grown here. So many people grow them and then don't know what to do with them...

    The dogwood is so beautiful. There are some native ones in the park across the valley from me but they don't start coloring up until December. I'll have to remember to take the trail that goes by them.

    Lucky you, just acorns, the live oaks that we have here have spines on the edges of the leaves that make raking them up such a pain - and year round since they're evergreen. And the jays love to stash the acorns in my potted plants, which then sprout...

  22. i heard we are supposed to be having a bumper crop of acorns this year because of the drought last year. i'm expecting to pull lots of seedlings next spring - the azalea beds are full!

  23. Great use for pomegranates! I was taking a different road through our backcountry a few months ago and ran across several new pomegranate orchards. Pretty original idea for orchards, I thought. So at least here in the other corner of the country, they'd be a local produce item.

  24. Hey Randy
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. From the pics of all your acorns on your porch one might surmise that you live in Oak-la-Homa. Wow,that's lame. They might not be as distructive as my Cannonball Avocados but I beleave that they would qualify as "GRAPE SHOT" . Keep up the good work.
