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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Monarchs on the way, Sea of Sunflowers

Today I went on a local field trip to the Flat River Impoundments just outside of Durham. The day was gorgeous! I expected to see a lot of Monarchs, but instead we saw something like 40 Viceroys the butterfly that mimics the Monarch. Finally we found 3 Monarch caterpillars on milkweed that had only stems and pods left no leaves anywhere.

Tickseed Sunflower (Bidens) everywhere and they are native plants too!!!
We have a handful of them around our pond. Once blooming is past the tickseeds will cling to your clothing with the two hooks on the seeds.

One 5 foot wide plant in the rip rap rocks.

Just one of many fields full of Tickseed Sunflowers. The impoundments are somewhat wet and the sunflowers seem to do very well here. The aroma is nice, though I can't explain it.


  1. What a pretty meadow. You have the best field trips!

  2. The field of yellow is so pretty.

  3. Wonderful! Tha last picture is like a painting. The striped guys are pretty, too!

  4. That's a nice meadow. I haven't seen any monarch caterpillars this year but have seen several monarchs flying around.

  5. That field of tickseeds is simply splendid!

  6. A marvelous sea of yellow, Randy.
    Monarch's don't come through my garden. But we get swallowtails.

  7. Beautiful picture of the Tickseed. No Monarchs out this way, I wish they did come this far.

  8. What a lovely refreshing sight! All that yellow - brilliant

  9. I *love* Bidens -- they're one of my favorite wildflowers. Beautiful and I've noticed the fragrance too.

  10. The meadow is glowing with yellow beauty.
    Even the Monarch caterpillars are attractive. We have Monarchs spending the winter in a protected park, and I like to visit the nesting clusters as they hang down from branches.

  11. Oh, please, please tell me that you guys took the time to lay on the ground and roll around on the meadow...that is SO stunning!!!!

    I love the photos as well!

  12. Doesn't that last photo look like a Monet? :-)

    I know I've hatched Monarchs... isn't that a good feeling??

    Happy day!

  13. Almost 2 weeks since your last post! Time to go for a walk!

  14. The sunflower tickseed looks like coreopsis...is it the same? It's done blooming up here, although sunflowers still are. I get a bit confused with plants when they look so similar!

    Same with butterflies! I have several photos of dragonflies and butterflies I captured during our trip to Maine in August, and I still haven't posted them. If and when I do, I'll ask you to help me ID them.

    Congrat's on your nomination for an award with Blotanical;-)

  15. That is just too cool!
