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Monday, September 07, 2009

Eastern Ringtail

No not an exotic cat from far away, it is a clubtail dragonfly. These Eastern Ringtails are a new species for me! I heard about them being found at Falls lake and headed over when I got the chance, it was not very sunny and I missed them on the first try.

I returned the next week on a very sunny day and found a fair number of them. The males are perching at the top of the dam and the females at the bottom.

Female Eastern Ringtail (Erpetogomphus designatus) isn't she beautiful?

male above and below Eastern Ringtail (Erpetogomphus designatus)

Above and below they are oblisking to cool off.

Female Eastern Ringtail (Erpetogomphus designatus) females do not have the club like shown on the males.

At around 2 inches I expected them to be larger for some reason. They blended in to the environment quite well and vanished when the clouds came over. Funny with over 10 years of hunting dragonflies I'd never seen them and these were found an hour away from here.


  1. Dragonfly eyes are amazing. I'm glad you found the Ringtails!

  2. Randy,
    I tried to get photos of dragonflies, and it is impossible with my little camera, I totally love dragonflies, they are so very entertaining! I love the bug-eyes you captured.

  3. What great poses they struck for you and your camera!

  4. That first one looks like he is posing and smiling for you!! You have the best pictures Randy.

  5. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Hi Randy~~ I bet the green and brown pattern on the...what is it? ...thorax? is to scare away predators. It kind of scares me and I'm like, a thousand times his size. LOL

  6. Great find Randy!

  7. Randy,
    I know how thrilling it is to find a new species (to you) in nature. Very nice photos of these beauties. I find myself in wonder at dragonflies and their movements and all the many sizes and colors... I have NO idea what the differences are or the names but I appreciate every one. I also appreciate that YOU know their names and their characteristics. Fortunately we have lots of these pretty creatures in Florida.

    Thank you, too, for the ID's on my post yesterday. Some of those little skippers and duskys are look alikes to this amateur... I also appreciate you stopping by to have a look and help me out! Have a great day.
    Meems @ Hoe and Shovel

  8. Gorgeous Ringtails! Always a delight to see new species.
    I shall miss the dragonflies and butterflies once frost comes.

  9. Interesting finding today. Thanks for stopping by and I must say you have a lovely blog. The pictures and the information you shared are all wonderful.

  10. stunning close up shots, well done.

  11. Wow!! Fantastic photos. That first head-on shot is gorgeous!

  12. Glad you found them, they are really amazing. I'd go far away for a bird or butterfly(and have in the past), but don't think I'm a serious enough dragonflier to chase one.

  13. I love everything and everyone green. He looks straight to your eyes!

  14. Randy, I am glad you found my blog because now I've found yours! Lots of eye candy! Love it!

    Will be back later to see more of your stuff :)

  15. Dragonflies are my favourite insects :) Thanks for sharing these pictures with us!
