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Sunday, June 07, 2009

It is snowing & we have sheep in the pond

Well not really on both accounts. The snow is falling from our Black Willows it has been going on for nearly a month. Yesterday it was real heavy and looked like snow.

The sheep in the pond are actually Narrow-mouthed Toads calling, they started yesterday afternoon and are calling right now. The call sounds exactly like sheep calling. Have I ever seen one? Not in the 10+ years I've known their call, they are impossible to find in the deep grass.

Been chasing clubtail dragonflies the past two weekends. Anyone want to see some photos?

The reason I've not been posting anything is we have been so busy and sleep deprived as well. Our mini farm neighbor has peacocks, if you have ever had a neighbor with peacocks enough said already. If not let me tell you what they sound like from a mere 200 yards away. Picture a crazy drunken woman standing outside under your window and screaming stuff like HELP ME about every 30 minutes every night ALL NIGHT.

I read something that gives me hope, male peacocks call for 6 weeks a year during breeding season, we have been hearing them for well over a month maybe it'll be over soon. I have though about placing a peacock recipe in our neighbors mailbox to give them a hint.


  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Hi Randy~~ I think I would literally lose my mind if I had to hear that all night. Hopefully it will be over soon.

    Near our town's river is a grove of cottonwoods and they do the same thing. "Snow" everywhere. This year we haven't seen much of it where I live. It depends on the wind I suppose. But as we cross the bridge, I always feel this urge to sneeze.

    Your toads sound, well, entertaining. I'd take "sheep" over "screaming women" any day. :)

  2. You have me in hysterics:-) But I know it wasn't meant to be funny--it just IS!! Your descriptions are priceless... I'd much prefer to see a peacock and hear a sheep than to see a toad and hear a screaming woman! The recipe --well, nevermind;-D

  3. Randy, recipe is a good idea. If it won't help, I am afraid you will need to give them a female peacock. I bet it is not cheap, but a good night sleep is priceless.

  4. We have 'snow' too , both the cottonwood trees are putting their snow out, and the white flies are emerging!
    I can't even imagine the peacocks! sounds like ear plugs are in order. With hope it is almost over (breeding season that is).

  5. Randy- I was seriously thinking about getting Guinea fowl until I read this post. I don't like my neighbors at all, they starve their animals, but I don't think I could handle the noise and I would likely be the only one to hear it. I think the recipe is a funny way to make a point. Good luck and get some zzzzzz's.

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your loud neighbors! I hope the peacocks quiet down soon, I wonder if the neighbors realize just how loud they are.
    I want to see some dragonfly photos!

  7. Oh dear, that would be distressing to have those peacocks outside yelling all night! I hope something makes them go away soon.

  8. I have heard about how loud peacocks are -- sorry to hear they are keeping you awake at night. :(

    I don't think I've ever actually seen a Narrow-Mouthed Toad either.

  9. Randy,
    If anyone could get to those toads it would be you... not in 10 years? they must be really good at hiding.

    My latest post just happens to have a link to the peacock saga we had going on around here for the past 8 months. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but those males love to hear themselves screech for a whole lot more than 6 weeks.

    Have you tried a sleep sound machine?... they work wonders.
    Meems @ Hoe and Shovel

  10. That is right re peacocks.....our neighbour used to keep them.....I sympathise....it is a nightmare, isn't it? So noisy...but it will stop....

    I have taken some photographs of Libellula depressa....beautiful....

    Hope you get some sleep soon......

  11. Okay, your subject line really got my attention!!! Crazy peacocks!

  12. That peacock scream is quite the conversation starter when you are viewing one in a park -- I cannot imagine have peacocks as neighbors! Good luck getting some sleep. My dogs keep me up enough as is!
