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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Peas and new lattice

Super Sugar Snap Peas our first harvest this year. There was a bit more but I ate a few right off the vine. Meg is in CA and is missing her own pea harvest, maybe she'll be back before I eat them all... There is plenty more peas out there to fatten up and we've been getting rain since last night.

Here is the custom lattice I'm making for the deck and screened porch. The holes are 5 x 5 inches, I might add a 1 inch wide lattice strip vertically down the middle of the existing 5 x 5 holes to make it more of a screen. If I did that the openings would be 2 x 5 inches. What do you think would be best? I have a lot of 1 x 6 scraps that I can make the 1 inch lattice strips out of too.

Below is the corner of the screened porch and once the snow peas are done we'll be planting heavenly blue morning glories and moonflower vines in that corner.

The flowers below are Lupine diffusus that we found in the Sandhills Gamelands last weekend. This plant is biannual and seems to move about in the gamelands from year to year. Some places where you find a lot of it might have next to nothing in a few years. The gamelands management in the past few years has been cutting out huge numbers of pines and scrub oaks making quail habitat all over the gamelands. It hurts to see such a beautiful native habitat being destroyed to bring in hunters from all over to hunt Bob White Quail, we heard one quail all day on Sunday.

Lupne diffusus is one of the Frosted Elfin butterflies host plants. We searched about an acre of flowers and as expected did not find any elfins. We did however see a rare Confused Cloudywing and several Northern Cloudywings and Southern Cloudywings. Finding all three of our cloudyings together in one spot does not happen very often and these were my first cloudywings of the season too.

Sadly in a week or so these blooms will be gone until next year.


  1. SNOW PEAS!!! Yum! We used to be lucky to bring in that many...the kids and I would eat as we picked. :-D
    Nice lattice work. The lupine is sure pretty. Close to a Texas Bluebonnet!

  2. I wouldn't worry about eating all the peas.

    My opinion - I don't think I'd like the extra strip.

    I hate the idea of cutting down pines and scrub oaks so hunters can go shoot quail. I'll think of it as creating a Lupine preserve and feel better.

  3. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Hi. Yummy peas! I love the lupine.

    I absolutely LOATHE the idea of killing for sport. It makes me angry.

    And the poor trees... Our local high school has decided to extend the parking lot which meant murdering three large birch trees. Listening to the wood crack as a bully-dozer ripped in to it...it was awful. Anyway enjoy your peas.

  4. The peas look so good! I don't know if we'll ever have any here at the rate they're growing.
    Your lattice looks great, I like it just how it is. You did a terrific job on it.

  5. The lattice looks great. I should have done something similar, I like the look of yours better than want I put up. We're behind you on the peas. Blooms but no crop ye.

  6. Those lupines are beautiful. Wish I could grow those in my garden but the soil is probably too heavy.

    I can hear a Bobwhite calling outside my window right now.

  7. I love lupine. One of my favorites whether it is in the wild or not. Too bad about the quail hunters. Who can possibly eat on of those little darlings? We built some habitat here but for the purpose of giving them a shelter for safety. We like to watch the wildlife.

  8. Pretty lupine!

    I think the lattice looks GREAT as-is. I'm directing my husband to this page asap! LOL!

  9. The blooms are very pretty. The colour reminds me of hyacinth blooms. The lattice looks good too. I envy your pea harvest!!

  10. Peas look great....eat and enjoy.....

    The blooms are lovely......sad they do not last long.......perhaps the butterflies will deliver next year.......

  11. I love the snap peas too! Yummmm! Your lattice looks cool. I'd say leave it as such - it looks perfect. As Kanak pointed, the blooms reminds me of Hyacinths too. How sad that they'd be gone soon...

  12. Peas look yummy, so much harvest during early spring.
