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Monday, April 27, 2009

Peas, we are going to have peas!

As mentioned in our last post Meg's Sugar Snap Peas are blooming big time. As of today it looks like hundreds of blooms are opening. The Snow Peas are starting to open also, but the rain beat them down a bit. These peas were planted on January 24th. It gets hot here early, the past three days reached 90 degrees.

A close up of the pea blooms.

Half the pea patch.

The entire Sugar Snap Pea patch.

This is for Heather, the guard dog at the farm we buy local meat from. They have two of these dogs the other guards the pullets out in the pasture. Those 5 gallons buckets behind the dog were full of eggs to the top of each bucket.

I didn't get any photos but the Henrii Clematis just opened about 15-20 blooms today.


  1. Wowser! yes you will have tons of peas. Yum!! Cute guard dog. He might need a talking to though-sleeping on the job:)

  2. That is a lot of peas! My kid loved peas in the garden and at least half were eaten before they get into the house. That is some kind of guard dog. Pretty funny. I can't imagine what mine would do if they saw a chicken. (they are nuts, the dogs that is)

  3. My wife's favorite veg. I'm glad she doesn't look at garden blogs or I'm afraid we'd be packing up and moving south. Me - I'm getting immune to the early photos and descriptions of gardens in bloom or ready to harvest while ours still sits dormant. It really helps when I think of the heat and humidity that's coming your way soon.

  4. Good Morning Randy- great picure! That dog sure doesn't seem the least bit bothered by those chickens disturbing his nap, does he? That farm must have 100 or more layers if they can fill all those buckets full with eggs. I can't wait. I know my garden blog has gone a little chicken crazy but I figure that chickens are part of a semi-self-sustained life style and they need some face time too. Today tons of rain, right after I soaked the trees, of course. Maybe tomorrow more progress will be made. Thanks for the great picture!

  5. I hoping my peas will look like yours, I'm drooling!

  6. I can't believe the peas. Ours are only about 6 inches tall.
    Love the guard dog :)

  7. Hi Randy,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I came over to see yours(-:
    You guys are going to have a ton of peas! That is awesome!
    What a nice dog to protect the girls! Jack would not be to good at protecting my girls...lol(-:
    He tolerates the duck but I know he wants to rip her head off. She likes to chase him around the house! I let Jack come in the chicken house to gather the eggs with me but sometimes he harrasses the hens to much.
    I can't wait to see your clematis pictures(-: Have a great day!!!
    CiNdEeS' GaRdEn

  8. Looks like you are going to have a lot of peas. They're beautiful!

  9. Wow, that'll be a lot of peas! Looks lovely! Also the guard dog with the chickens--what a cute picture.
    Enjoyed going through your farm tour too. Beautiful photos. A pleasure to visit, each time. The gazebo garden looks unique!

  10. I'm excited about your peas...and mine! I finally have buds, hopefully blossoms soon and then -- PEAS! :)

  11. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog.....I am glad that you did as I would not have found yours....

    Pea blooms are just beautiful, don't you think? You are going to have an abundance...

    I love the sleeping dog......
    I shall link to you when I have a moment this evening......

  12. How nice to have so many healthy-looking plants! They'll be tasty, and eating them will bring back memories of all the other years you've grown them and the fun you've had!

  13. What a sweet little pea bloom. Love the funny guard dog. Looks more like the chicken's watching over him! ;^)

  14. You'll be able to just snap those peas right off and eat them straight away soon.

    Peas are just so decorative.

    I have to admit to not being hugely frightened by the guard dog. I might tickle his tummy!

    all the best

  15. You have a very interesting blog here and I love the flower, butterfly dragonfly toad, photos on your older posts. I also love Dot the wonder dog and Daisy Mae is just beautiful, what a sweet face she has!

    Like everyone else I had to laugh at the guard dog sleeping on the job, I hope she still got paid!!

  16. Oh yum! They pea plants look so healthy. This has me thinking I could grow peas on my chain-link fence next winter/spring...

    Thanks for ID'ing my tree holes! I'll quit calling the birds culprits since they don't hurt the trees.

  17. Hi Randy! Thanks for the comment on the Burbs. I had no idea about the Bumbles. I'll have to check them out! Your peas look fantastic! Ours have been really slow to start this year...I think a few have come up though!
