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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Hellebores Finally we have some.

Today Meg and I visited the Durham Garden Center and purchased 4 hellebores. Two were on sale because they were looking bad, still good if you ask me for $5 a gal, they are called Swirling Skirts. The other two were pricey, nearly broke my bank. They are called Lady Red and Lady Blue.

Jan at Thanks for Today is having a give away for a book on growing hellebores maybe she'll find our need for this book and send it our way.

We also picked up a Button Bush which has no buds yet and a Baptisa Carolina Moonlight that looks great.

Then a stop at The Treefrog Nursery and we got a pink and a red Camellia.


  1. Good for you guys, finally trying out some Hellebores! I'm not all that familiar with them either...but I planted mine several years ago and just this year learned that I am supposed to cut off the old leaves each year to allow the new ones to come out and to show the flowers better. I don't even have that book myself...perhaps I should have ordered 2 copies:-)
    I'd love to send it to you both-- although at this point it's a 'draw'...literally! So if you don't get it, you can buy it on Amazon.com. Since you included the Give-Away in your blog I'll add 5 extra entries for you!!!

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Treefrog Nursery--what a cute name. Another blogger found a $5 hellebore too. Can't remember who it was now. Sure is nice of Jan to do this. I don't know her other than here at Blotanical but she is one of the nicest people ever.

  3. Oh I love hellebores!! I can't grow them here (I tried and there's only one spot in the yard that they'd do well but the clover choked them out so I gave them to my Mom who has the *perfect* yard for shade plants). They like bright indirect light and moist well drained soil. I'm looking forward to pictures of them when you get a chance.

  4. Now I may be the only blogger who doesn't have Hellebores, unless some of the seedlings I got in the swap last year made it through the winter. All of the pictures I've seen have me intrigued though.

  5. yay! I have some extras to sell from a co-op I'm running if you want some more! Southern Belles and Mrs. Betty Ranicar.

  6. Great buy! I went to look at plants etc, Tuesday which was a bad idea. I cannot resist plants :)

  7. Randy and Megan,

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog- looks like your spring is off to a good start!

  8. I first planted hellebores in my garden about 5 years ago. This is the first year I've had seedlings and let me tell you-I'm awash in seedlings! They are everywhere. So hang in there and soon you'll have a garden full. The hellebores are wonderful!
