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Monday, April 13, 2009

Dutchman's Breeches and Penny's Bend

Over the weekend we had Internet problems, still dropping off too much. Meg and I went on a nature walk at Penny's Bend Nature preserve on the Eno River on Saturday. Dutchman's Breeches, Dicentria cucullaria was one of our targets. We found an entire hillside covered with Dutchman's Breeches most had already bloomed, yet I managed to get these photos.

Below is an Eastern Comma Butterfly I found on Friday here while strolling the grounds.

The Gemmed Satyr below was also found at Penny's Bend, our first for the season.

Painted Buckeye is currently in full bloom, usually our hummingbirds return when these are blooming. We saw lots of buckeyes in bloom but no hummingbirds.

On Friday I also found this Twin-spotted Spiketail next door. These are spring flying dragonflies one of the biggest we see in the spring. I saw one flying, but never saw it land. This one a spotted perched and it allowed all the photos I wanted, they are not at all wary when resting.

Our first salad greens from the garden on Saturday night. The greens included mixed salad greens, mustard greens, arugula and curly kale. On Easter we made a salad for 8 and all was eaten up right away.


  1. I love the Dutchman's Breeches. Very delicate flowers always intrigue me. I can't wait to be eating homegrown salad. Yours looks so nice and refreshing. Soon.

  2. What a delightful walk ~ love Dutchman's Breeches! Beautiful photos ... and ... wish I had a fork for those luscious greens!

  3. Except for the fact that your gardens are way ahead, you could be in Iowa! ;-) I love Dutchman's Breeches, some of which are starting to grow. We get the Comma and Satyr butterflies (our Satyr is a bit different). And at first glance, I thought you were showing Aruncus - Goat's Beard when I spotted your Buckeye. :-) Happy Spring!!

  4. First time visit and you hit me where I love it. I'm always hunting wild things and taking photos. I really appreciate you identifying your finds too.

    I found a gray comma the other week. It looks the same and now I'm going to have to double check my ID :)

    Too early for for Dutchman's Breeches here but I'm going to be keeping my eye on a spot I know is covered with them . Last year I just missed the best of the blooms.

    I came across some leeks the last two days. It won't be too long before I start to stink.

  5. Dutchman's Breeches look lovely. I like the dragonfly's photo especially and not to mention, your butterflies too. Yummm! Your greens look fresh and yummy.

  6. Once again your photos are wonderful. Your salad greens look good. We harvested some tiny lettuces last night. Yum.

  7. I was walking in the woods last week and could not believe how many buckeyes were in bloom! Tons grow wild in the woods on Fort Campbell where I walk. Spring this year has been beautiful. All those Dutchman breeches must've been gorgeous!

  8. Great pictures of the butterflies. It sounds like it was a good thing the internet was acting up, it gave you the chance to take these photos. That salad sounds good. We'll have to wait a little longer for ours.

  9. Randy, Dutchman's Breeches attracted me to your blog....but, I just enjoyed ALL I read....we usually see Dutchman's Breeches over near the Chimneys area in the mountains. Can not find any here, although we're told others have. I'll look forward to seeing more of your excellent photos.
    Linda Hassler

  10. I didn't realize that Dutchman's Breeches grew in the Piedmont. Cool!

  11. Great capture of your Spiketail! I am still anxious for the return of my dragons.

  12. What a cool plant! (Dutchman's Breeches) It reminds me of bleeding heart... I wonder if it grows on the west coast? Also how delightful your one little radish looks in your bowl of greens. ::g::

  13. Hey Randy, I am always treated to wonderful photography and interesting critters when I stop by to visit you! I love seeing what you post on your blog...I was just reading about Dutchman's Breeches on Shady G's site...funny how they're in Iowa and NC and seem to do well in both places! Lovely shots of the butterfly's and especially that dragonfly!

  14. Love the butterfly and dragonfly pics. Thanks for sharing!
