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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

To beet or not to beet?

Meg hates beets, she'll eat beet greens that's it. I love beets, but when I see them at the local food co op the price usually keeps me from buying them. This year yours truly ordered the main seed shipment. In that shipment two kinds of beets were purchased Golden Beets and Pacemaker III Hybrid Beet. On Sunday Meg planted a long row of beets for me, she really does love me. Though she thinks if we do actually grow a lot of beets we should give most of them away.

The beets I planted on February 14th are up as of today and so are the onions.

So is it just Meg or do most people just don't like beets? The picture in my head of a nice basket of freshly picked beets is so appetizing.


  1. Hi Randy- I ordered beets too. Two kinds, I'll have to look and see what they are again. One was a Detroit something-or-other. I chose this variety for it's good canning recommendation. Nice to see Blotanical back up, literally in the last 5 minutes.

  2. Awww - her heart beets just for you. ;^)

  3. We love beets...roasted. Growing up with over cooked vegetables I have come to love all sorts of veggies that made me gag as a kid. If you haven't tried roasting them with a little olive oil and kosher salt (I chunk mine) you ought too. Roasting brings out the natural sweetness.

  4. Send the extra beets my way! I LOVE them, but not marinated. I just bake them in the oven til they get soft enough to eat.

  5. We aren't beet eaters in our house, but roasting them sounds good.

  6. Harvard
    Cold Sliced

    What is not to love!

  7. We love beets, both roots and greens, around here. I've been harvesting Chioggia beets all winter and am now waiting for the Burpee's Golden to sprout. Yum, yum, yum!

  8. I ordered a few beets this year too. I tired the pickled one's again for the first time in a long time and really enjoyed them so I decided to put some in the garden.

  9. I only have them occasionally...

    BTW, I've been to your wonderful butterfly site. I LOVE it!!! Love the photos and all the details that you provide.
