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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Springtime Darner

Soon it will be spring officially, tomorrow in fact. The dragonflies will be flying likely on the next real warm day we have.

Here is one of the larger spring dragonflies the Springtime Darner, Basiaeschna janata. The flight time for this 2 -2 1/2 inch dragonfly is mid March until mid May here in eastern North Carolina. It can be ID ed by the blue spots on the abdomen and that it is the only darner like it that flies in the spring, some of the others are fall fliers.

Look for this one along the edges of open fields and woods. it will usually perch no higher than 2 foot off the ground and hang from twigs like in the above photo. On a cooler day you might be able to get a close inspection of this species and perhaps a photo. Once it gets hotter you can find this darner on wing a lot more and you need a good bit of luck to see it perch at all.

Such a beauty once you get a good look. The blue will start to fade as it ages. If your in the eastern US you might just find this guy in a weed lot or field near you.


  1. I will say it again- You have photography patience of steel. You get some great pictures, that must take some time. Beautiful!

  2. Beautiful, Randy! The Darner is the first to show here in the woods, haven't seen any yet as we've had a few warm days. Last year, we had a warm Feb. and we saw them early. Very early here in Ohio! You're right, unless there's a cooler day, they're tough to capture.

  3. I like those turquise spots...

  4. Great photos! The blue is so pretty. Thanks for the information!

  5. That dragonfly is beautiful upon close inspection. Great shots!

  6. They sure are interesting looking. We have some huge ones here in the summer. I'll see if I can get a picture and maybe you can help id them for me.

  7. Such good camera work. Never seen one like that. Interesting.

  8. Such beautiful coloration! I love the little blue spots... and of course you take amazing pictures that really let us see so clearly all the wonderful details.

  9. Beautiful! Love that blue. I've never seen anything like this!

  10. Randy,
    Great photos and great information. Thanks.

    I wanted to ask you if you know what kind of dragon fly it is that flies around in the summertime at about 15 or 20' in the air about dusk? I think they are eating mosquitoes but I can't be sure. They are quite large here... I just love to see them.
    Meems @ Hoe and Shovel

  11. Anonymous8:02 PM


    Likely you have Twilight Darners at dusk. Or maybe Swamp Darners they are huge when compared to a Twilight Darner.


