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Monday, March 02, 2009

Snowy Durham North Carolina

There is the main veggie garden about 400 sq ft. Along that long row of concrete blocks is a row of Sugar Snap Peas that were about 2+ inches tall right now, buried in the snow. Also buried under the snow are tiny kale, arugula and meslin mix plants.
Meg's shooting star covered in snow.
Above is our snowy house as viewed from the garden. The house is still a mess and I'm not finished building it yet. Last year we added 985 sq ft to the back side of the house including the 32ft x 16 ft porch and 16 x 24 mini basement. I did all the framing and most of the finish work, we hired an electrician, sheetrock crew and added a dual fuel HVAC system. Before that part of the house on the far right was the house with no view of the pond.
As seen from the other side of our pond.
There is the garden on the left behind the pond. We have more gardens in the front too.
From our screened in porch this was what it looked like first thing this morning.
A look at the pond from the driveway. That is a vitex tree on the right, this is a dual use garden both butterflies on top and veggies on the bottom.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I loved your post on the wildflowers of your state. I saw your blog on Blotanical and wanted to welcome you.~~Dee

  2. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Such a lovely location for a home! I know you are not used to snow, but it sure is pretty.

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Spring is just around the corner :-)
    March comes in like a lion but goes out like a lamb"

  4. Dee,

    Thanks for visiting my site, please do come back!


    I spent two weeks during in Ohio when they had all that snow a month ago, so I'm use to it. Thanks for stopping in


    Just found your site today, I'll be visiting it again for sure.

  5. I've seen the NC snowfall on other blogs as well.

    Apparently things warm up again for the end of the week.

    Maybe this was your winters last fling.

    Looks a beatiful wooded spot where you are.


  6. Tonite,here in Florida,we have covered our tomatoes,lettuce,
    beans,and squash.We have a chance of frost tonite.Ack!!!!This is March in Florida fer cryin' out loud!

  7. Oh Peas! Wish I was back in NC, to have peas growing already! We got a foot of snow here this week!

  8. Rob,

    This was our last blast of winter, the peas and other veggies should be fine. The pond was ice cover this am/

    Chris and Jon,
    Good luck with those plants, bet things will be ok. Send up some of that squash when they are ready, patty pans?

    Just 20 mins north of here got 7 inches of snow, we did just 3 inches

  9. Randy and Meg,

    Y'all appear to live in heaven! Do ya? Your place is simply beautiful. Doesn't the snow make everything seem so pure, clean and perfect?

    Same here (also FL) as with Chris and Jon...We had two hard freezes this week alone. It is nuts! Cold is for Jan. and Feb. not March.

    I enjoyed looking through all your photos, very nice.

    Thanks for stopping in at my blog.

  10. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Your home is fantastic!

  11. Brrr cold there! Love the shooting star(-:
    CiNdEeS' GaRdEn
