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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Garden growing update end of March

Yellow Pear Tomatoes I planted on March 17th. Meg thinks I put too many seeds in each container, maybe I did..

The main veggy garden. Notice the Eastern Redbud in full bloom after three days of rain ...The green under those poles is the Super Sugar Snap Peas. All the veggy photos below are growing in the above garden.

The new flower bed to be between the house and the pond with a new creek stone path.

A primrose I've had for a very long time is about to bloom.

Fingerling potatoes the first sprouts!

Arugula we have three patches of these.

Mesclun Mix salad greens looks so yummy!

Curly Kale my first try at kale, three small patches of it as well.

Super Sugar Snap Peas

Clematis Henrii starting to bud, this plant is over 12 years old it is spread out everywhere.

Carolina Columbine, just moved to a new location after coming up in the topsoil pile. We picked up a new red columbine yesterday and should be planting it soon.

Hostas found in the topsoil pile, I have some huge leaved hostas, these are not them.

The front butterfly garden! Looks pretty bad right now. The tall broken off plants are Bronze Fennel behind this is Mountain Mint given to me by some gardening friends that live in the NC mountains. The green is the far back is double day lilies and invasive blackberries. This garden needs a lot of work, there are some nice Phlox from Big Bloomers in there!

Dot the Wonder Dog bored to heck after three days of rain.


  1. It's looking good there! I can't wait to start planting! Still storming here but should start to clear up one of these years:D

  2. This is a nice blog. I for sure wil wisit you again.

  3. I'm really enjoying your blog, too! :-)

  4. Wow, everything looks great. I love the lettuce! Your pear tomatoes are amazingly large for only being planted 10 days ago! What are your tricks?

  5. Ginger,

    I stuck the pear tomatoes peat pots in baggies and they came up right away. They look bigger already since this morning.

    Heather it is storming here also.

  6. You are going to love those yellow pear tomatoes! THEY ARE WONDERFUL. I can't wait to see how that stone path looks in the summer.
    Happy Spring - you are one of my favorite bloggers because of your detailed photos! WONDERFUL!!!

  7. Wow! Looking good. So nice to see a little bit of green coming up in your part of the world. We're still pretty "sleepy" here. Your Redbud is so pretty (and matches your garden chairs so nicely too). =)

  8. I love to see Eastern redbuds in bloom and I like those pink chairs too!

    Your garden is looking great!

  9. Everyone has been posting on the progress of their veggies and I must say yours look very good-quite far along too. The redbuds are blooming here too-about two weeks early. Oh well, just crossing my fingers no late freeze.

  10. Oh, all your veggies look fresh and healthy! One out of four radishes sprouted! My VERY FIRST veggie from seed! I should say great gardeners like you were my inspiration to grow veggies! Good luck with you tomatoes!

  11. I admire your vegetable garden. All we have planted at present is broccoli. If it's 1/2 as good as it was last year it'll be enough though. *So* much better than grocery store broccoli.
