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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentines Day is supposed to be a day when you share a little extra love with your loved ones.  Wanted to pass on that love to everyone that visits my blog!

These days we seem to live in a world of the politics of fear... We need to get beyond starting wars with the rest of the world and work towards world peace. I was at Duke Gardens a few weeks ago and found this ancient garden bench that stuck in my mind ever since. I just had to share it with you. Now I know a little about this bench.

 This bench is across the the visitor center before you enter Duke Gardens. I looked up this quote and found this: Goldwin Smith is credited with the quote "Above all nations is humanity," an inscription that was engraved in a stone bench he offered to Cornell in May 1871. Further investigations on this quote revealed this blog post from 2007, perhaps inspired by that same 1871 bench at Cornell on global warming.
I found a photo of the Cornell bench, this appears to be and exact replica. The Cornell Chronicle has an article about the bench being broken in 1998.  The article stated that the first bench was quarried from Dr Cornell's own quarry and cost $275 to build. Rebuilding the bench back in 1998 cost an estimated $40,000!

One of these days I'll share with you some of the many many garden benches in the gardens, a few of the best ones were removed for refurbishing the last time I visited the gardens.


  1. What an apt thought for today, Valentine's Day! And the beauty of an old bench in a garden is something I never tire of seeing.

  2. Happy Valentines Day to you, too!

  3. Lovely, thanks for sharing this bench and its story with us.

  4. That's a beautiful bench. And, I like the quote, too.

    Thanks for dropping by my place.

  5. Nations and Humanity . . . boy, would that it could be so! Wonderful thought for Valentine's Day Randy. Wishing you lots of love! Carol

  6. I enjoyed this post, thanks for sharing.
