Sunday, January 08, 2012

Spring here already?

This morning I was making my rounds in the garden and found the first crocus of the year! I was not expecting it, but under the leaves it was peaking out. Just one blooming that was it. Counted 9 hellebores with buds, last weekend there were only 5 with buds.

We also had our first cook out of the year yesterday. Meg had invited some teachers over for a small party and since it was in the 60s I grilled barbeque chicken on the grill while everyone hung out on the woods deck. 

Playing with the new camera I caught this Downy Woodpecker above and White-breasted Nuthatch near the feeders.

One very tricky bird to photograph the Carolina Wren below, seems I did get it pretty good. The new camera is tricky to catch birds as they move around a lot and you have to get them in focus with the right lighting.  I must have missed dozens of birds including a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker which just recently became common at the suet feeders. I did get photos of the sapsucker, just nothing exciting.

Below is the bees at about 10 am today. The landing strip had 4 dead bees on it this morning, about usual for winter time. This photo shows a pollen laden bee and a dead bee, life in a mild winter in North Carolina.


Casa Mariposa said...

It's too warm here, too, but Feb should be colder than usual this year. My crocus are still sound asleep but my daffs are just starting to poke up a bit. Great bird shots!!

Kelly said...'s warm up here in Cincy too, and even though the green leaves of daffodils are pushing through, we have no flowers yet! The photo of the white-breasted nuthatch is stunning. Love it!

Andrea said...

It looks like from among the cold climes you get off the colds soonest. I still remember your lovely crocuses last year, and now they are coming again. And you have a new camera again! I am too envious, because you already have lots of equipment + one more! LOL. More beautiful photos for me to drool on!

Les said...

I never thought I would say it, but I wish it would get cold. Only so spring is not messed up.

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

I have had some spring bulbs blooming too. Crazy weather. I love your bird photos.
We have a bee keepers talk for the community coming up. I am looking forward to hearing it. I don't think we can have hives with the HOA rules.

tina said...

It has been a crazy mild winter this year and I'm not so sure I am liking it. Great shots of the birds-as always! Happy New Year to you!

Thanks for the tips on the pond. They will sure come in handy especially with the padding. I was just going to add the underlayment but think I'll be putting down an old rug and newspapers too with your advice.

Beth at PlantPostings said...

Strange to see so many photos of blooms so early in the year! They're beautiful, it's just weird to see them now. My Hellebores are ready to pop, but that's about it.

Anonymous said...

The bees are really active in your video. I have not seen a bee in awhile here, but did see a robin two days ago. The weather really seems to be quite different by the signs left by the plants and insects.

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John said...

I love the brown tones on the wrens. They don't spend as much time by the feeders as our other visitors but I very much appreciate their singing in the yard.

Phillip Oliver said...

Great bird shots! I saw some daffodils coming up yesterday.

olgited said...

Che belle fotografie!!!Anche in Friuli niente neve e abbastanza caldo per la stagione.

The Sage Butterfly said...

The weather has been so strange this year. I hope things settle down a bit. I like your woodpecker photo.

Appalachian Lady said...

My bees were first really active on Tuesday--just a few out on warmish days before. Yours look very healthy.

Unknown said...

In search for a photo of the Crocus Fire Fly, I found your site with a lot of beautiful pictures including these birds.
Great shots!
Boudewijn(The Netherlands)

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